for two years. -less often, now


The Test

As his mentors eagerly watched, Eric began the final trial: defeating the cat of doom.

Day 332

Day 293

…and I’m hungry like the wolf

Day 292

Stan stepped into the back alley and locked the door to the shop. But his good night was about to turn bad. The Valhallan Mafia had sent the Viking Hit Squad to collect their debts.

Day 260

As Chad reached across into the light, his hand vanished…

Day 249

Day 234

“Clever girl.”

Day 233

“Well,” said the Inspector, “it is a long way down.”


Don’t forget the 1,000,000 Views Contest is open until 6pm EST TONIGHT!!
Go back to yesterday’s post to enter if you haven’t already!

Day 207

Day 205

***Welcome visitors of Freshly Pressed!! This photo is 22 days old in the project – oh noes!***

Please be sure you click to the homepage and browse through all the photos!! Over 500!!
-Prints/merchandise are available for a good chunk of them as well-

Day 204


Don’t forget to vote in the caption contest! It closes Monday at NOON!! (check the previous post!)

Day 203

Linwelin the elf froze. He sensed a presence. An evil presence. And it was watching him.

Day 191

Indiana waded into the shallows, gun drawn, and approached the solitary door cautiously.
Where does it lead?

Day 182

Jane hid, trembling. What she didn’t know was that all the mummy wanted was a picture.

(1/2 way there!)

Day 175

Nate executes an extremely bad idea.

Day 171

Fred turned to his companion on the bench, “Hey, is the bus running late?”

Day 153

The Empire had the battle all but won, when suddenly the Rebels released their secret weapon: Hector and his maracas.

Day 132

“Well,” said the Inspector, “you have a serious injury.”

Day 128

“Well,” said the Inspector, “it is a cat.”

Day 116
