for two years. -less often, now

Posts tagged “Parody

Day 315

Hey everyone! I was out of town at a friend’s wedding, then I was enjoying a retreat with the 5th grade team to celebrate a retirement, then it was my birthday, then I needed to get some sleep in between all of that. Then it’s now, and here are the photos I missed.

Ricky steps on a crack.

Day 295

The Indian In The Cupboard

Day 294

The three men didn’t know if the stories were true, but on this day, 21 May 2011, Harry, Stan, and Bill went hunting for raptures.

Day 289

I saw a werewolf with a Chinese menu in his hand…

Day 281

Say Anything

Day 240

Day 234

“Clever girl.”

Day 178

The Urban Sombrero; It combines the spirit of old Mexico with a little big city panache. And while most of his friends and colleagues laughed at Roger’s new hat, he was the only one who could stand at the bus stop in the rain and stay dry.

Day 66

“Come with me if you want to live.”

Day 44

My name is Jonas,
and I’m carrying the wheel

Day 25

Look Ma, no hands!

**Picture idea as suggested on the Formspring**
Apologies to whoever made the suggestion – I accidentally deleted the suggestion
as I was clicking through some others, so sorry I can’t link it on there!

Day 252

day252If you see a faded sign at the side of the road that says…

Day 189

day189“You are indeed brave sir knight, but the fight is mine.”
“Oh had enough eh?”
“Look you stupid bastard, you’ve got no arms left!”
“Yes I have!”
” ‘Tis just a flesh wound.”