for two years. -less often, now

Posts tagged “Hiker

Trekking into the new year


Mithrandir & the Hiker are going on an adventure.

Hiking in a Winter Wonderland


Day 328

Day 302


Day 300

Day 298


Day 259

Hiker’s outfit

Hiker is my favorite character – and many of yours too. I’m always looking for ways to upgrade Hiker to the coolest, most awesome styles. First, he got a new pack, then earlier this year he got a new jacket and pair of pants. Now, I’m thinking about upgrading his hat!

I’ve noticed the Indiana Jones fedora hat is being included in more and more sets – and also, that it can look remarkably like a good old fashioned Tilley Hat – the hat of intrepid explorers and, yes, Geologists (as Annie stands behind me with hands on her hips and a disgruntled look for not putting that first) –  all over the world.

So, I’m asking you! Which look for Hiker do you prefer.

NOTE: The results of this poll may or may not influence my final decision 🙂 Also, this is not a contest, just a straight up poll!

Day 253

Day 250

Hiker tries to snap a few photos of a waterfall.

Day 235

Mead’s Quarry Lake
Ijams Nature Center, Knoxville TN

Day 202


Today is the last day for the caption contest!!

Day 190

Welcome to Hiker’s cabin.
There’s some chicken on the grill behind Doug. Come join the festivities!
(I added a stand for his hiking stick, and a hook for his backpack outside his door)

Day 189

Hiker thinks it should take about one more day until he’s finished!

Day 188

Day 187

Day 186

Day 185

Day 184

Hiker begins construction on his new cabin.

Day 167

Hiker buys a new coat, new hiking pants, and heads out into a new year of unknown adventure.