for two years. -less often, now


Wind Up

8529096419_3cab8fedff_bTK-341 plays with his new toy.



In place


on this eve

I hope everyone has an excellent Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day. Enjoy family, friends, presents, and most importantly: food. I’ve been home for approximately 48 hours and have already eaten enough of my mother’s Christmas cookies to last a month. Merry Christmas everyone!


Santa visits the troops on Hoth.

Day 345

Day 337

Reflections of the Sith.

Day 334

Day 331

TK-443 won the radio contest, and got to drive the fire engine.

Day 322

Trooper Electric
Serving the Empire at light speed!

Day 321

Figures, Vader thought. I’ve got to get these invitations out to the entire Empire and here I am stuck behind little Jimmy from 3rd Street who can barely reach the mail slot.

Day 317

Day 313


Day 310

The office of Lord Vader.

Day 308

Day 305

Budget cuts begin to affect both sides of the galactic war.

Day 296

TK 462 fails at windsurfing.

Day 287

The Legions of Vader bring the :rawk with their hit single It’s a Trap!

Bonus photos!

The Legions of Vader put on a concert in the park.

Here is the stage in normal regular light to see. I’m actually pretty proud of it. It’s nothing magical, but I think I did a good job on the drum kit, and the speaker stacks are simple, but effective. Go to this photo on my Flickr and mouse over for descriptive notes:

Day 286

I didn’t want to stretch this series out past this weekend, and I have a lot of useable photos, so here’s a bonus photo!

Day 285

Vader on lead vocals.

Day 284

General Veers shreds on lead guitar.