for two years. -less often, now


Trekking into the new year


Mithrandir & the Hiker are going on an adventure.

Hiking in a Winter Wonderland


a trip

I went with Annie on one of her ventures into the mountains for her Graduate Project on Saturday. We went to Linville Falls, NC. Hiker came with us.

Day 342

Day 338

On this Independence Day, Hiker visits the National Museum of the Marine Corps outside Washington DC to honor the brave men and women whom have served to help keep our country safe, and free.

Day 328

Day 302


Day 300

Day 298


Day 259

Hiker’s outfit

Hiker is my favorite character – and many of yours too. I’m always looking for ways to upgrade Hiker to the coolest, most awesome styles. First, he got a new pack, then earlier this year he got a new jacket and pair of pants. Now, I’m thinking about upgrading his hat!

I’ve noticed the Indiana Jones fedora hat is being included in more and more sets – and also, that it can look remarkably like a good old fashioned Tilley Hat – the hat of intrepid explorers and, yes, Geologists (as Annie stands behind me with hands on her hips and a disgruntled look for not putting that first) –  all over the world.

So, I’m asking you! Which look for Hiker do you prefer.

NOTE: The results of this poll may or may not influence my final decision 🙂 Also, this is not a contest, just a straight up poll!

Day 253

Day 250

Hiker tries to snap a few photos of a waterfall.

Day 235

Mead’s Quarry Lake
Ijams Nature Center, Knoxville TN

Day 232: 1 Million Views Contest

In honor of reaching 1,000,000 views, all of the little folks that help make a LEGO a day possible have come out to thank you. You guys did it! You, the fans! Thank you! So, they’ve come together for a little contest for you.

———– *** CONTEST  &  RULES *** ———–

Guess the number of minifigs in this photo. These are all the minifigs I own.
–HINT: You can try to count them, but many are blocked and hidden by others – good luck with that.
–HINT: It’s not as many as you might have thought I had, but it’s a pretty good amount.

To enter, simply leave a comment below with your # guess.
YOU MAY ONLY GUESS ONCE – so make it a good one.
(I can see where comments come from, so no shenanigans! Be fair to the large number of kids that visit here)
–Look at the previous entries before you guess – if you duplicate a prior guess #, yours will be void.
–All entries MUST have an contact email – or your entry will be void. If you win I need to be able to contact you.

–If no one guesses the exact number, the next closest either above or below, will be the winner.
For instance, if the exact # was 50, and two people guessed 47 and 52. The person who guessed 52 would win as it’s closer. This isn’t The Price Is Right, you can go over!! 🙂
In the event there is a tie for closest both above & below, then the person who entered FIRST will be the winner.


!!! PRIZE !!!
As stated, the winner will receive the yet to be published photobook chronicling the greatest hits of the two 365 projects.


Day 227

Day 202


Today is the last day for the caption contest!!

Day 190

Welcome to Hiker’s cabin.
There’s some chicken on the grill behind Doug. Come join the festivities!
(I added a stand for his hiking stick, and a hook for his backpack outside his door)

Prints in action! (+upcoming contest OMG!!)

A good friend of mine has framed and hung two Hiker prints in his new home. He took some photos of them for me to share to show how awesome they look! I think they are both 16×20. Check them out!!

Pretty fantastic, eh?

Stay tuned because on day 200, there will be a contest. Winner gets a free large print!

Day 189

Hiker thinks it should take about one more day until he’s finished!