for two years. -less often, now


Day 264

Day 232: 1 Million Views Contest

In honor of reaching 1,000,000 views, all of the little folks that help make a LEGO a day possible have come out to thank you. You guys did it! You, the fans! Thank you! So, they’ve come together for a little contest for you.

———– *** CONTEST  &  RULES *** ———–

Guess the number of minifigs in this photo. These are all the minifigs I own.
–HINT: You can try to count them, but many are blocked and hidden by others – good luck with that.
–HINT: It’s not as many as you might have thought I had, but it’s a pretty good amount.

To enter, simply leave a comment below with your # guess.
YOU MAY ONLY GUESS ONCE – so make it a good one.
(I can see where comments come from, so no shenanigans! Be fair to the large number of kids that visit here)
–Look at the previous entries before you guess – if you duplicate a prior guess #, yours will be void.
–All entries MUST have an contact email – or your entry will be void. If you win I need to be able to contact you.

–If no one guesses the exact number, the next closest either above or below, will be the winner.
For instance, if the exact # was 50, and two people guessed 47 and 52. The person who guessed 52 would win as it’s closer. This isn’t The Price Is Right, you can go over!! 🙂
In the event there is a tie for closest both above & below, then the person who entered FIRST will be the winner.


!!! PRIZE !!!
As stated, the winner will receive the yet to be published photobook chronicling the greatest hits of the two 365 projects.


Day 124

Sir Peters triumphs over the potatoes. Tonight, we dine on pierogies.

Day 123

Surrounded and outnumbered by the army of potatoes, Sir Peters threw down his helmet, raised his sword, and charged.

Day 83

Day 64

Day 40

Sir Irwin marched off to battle while Roger stayed behind to charm the ladies.

Day 349

day349Sir Galen
Castle mural, 1632

Day 320

day320With his horse in the shop, Felipe had to find an alternate mode of transportation to the battle.

Day 298

day298Timmy approached the bench cautiously. He knew this bus stop was notorious for attracting weirdos.

Day 253


Day 236

day236Ferdinand prepares for the hip-hop joust competition.

Day 221

day221After every battle, the men still made fun of Sir Edwin’s helmet hair.

Day 205

day205With winter arriving, Hiker dons his snowshoes and helmet.

Day 189

day189“You are indeed brave sir knight, but the fight is mine.”
“Oh had enough eh?”
“Look you stupid bastard, you’ve got no arms left!”
“Yes I have!”
” ‘Tis just a flesh wound.”

Day 162


Clash of the mini-titans

Day 152
